Welcome to Early Years
Life in Early Years
We have a wonderful and spacious Early Years area, including our newly installed outdoor space that we use all year round. The children will learn so much through continuous provision (play) and adult-led interactions and often they will not realise they are learning! The children begin learning phonics from September, allowing them to develop their reading and writing skills from the start. We use NCETM’s maths mastery approach, to focus and gain an in-depth understanding of numbers to 10. Early Years is such an exciting start to their school career, and we have lots of exciting experiences to develop their skills and knowledge. This includes going to the Sealife Centre (dressed as a pirate), a “hands-on” minibeast workshop and a trip to the Co-Op.
We know that children who feel safe, settled and secure learn best and we strive to create such an environment. We support the children in feeling happy and safe during the transition to school, this starts from the Summer before they start with us. The Early Years Team visit and liaise with the nurseries and pre-schools to gather information about each child and meet them in person. We have a thorough transition timetable of events designed to support children and parents. Including, the ever popular Teddy Bears Picnic in the Summer Term before they start.
Parent Communication
Children’s learning is shared through half termly updates, parent evenings, Seesaw App, Friday Round-up and Find Out Fridays (the first Friday of every month). At Bolnore, we have an open-door policy and Parents/carers are welcome to talk to class teachers after school or arrange a meeting for a convenient time.