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Bolnore Village Primary School


Friends of Bolnore Village Primary School

We have a Friends of Bolnore School Group who work to raise funds for our school and help provide further opportunities which our children benefit from.

Our goal is to provide the ‘Cherry On The Top’ of the children’s learning experiences at Bolnore. Over the last few years, we have raised funds towards additional computing equipment (ipads and spheros), Forest School equipment, music curriculum and violin lessons, children’s first book bag and a memory stick of memories in Year 6. We also provide funding for one curriculum enhancing workshop for each year group every year and activities for Rainbow Day, the whole school celebration of the Core Values.

The events which we organise are always popular and well attended. Recently there have been discos, quiz nights, raffles and numerous cake sales.

If you wish to get involved or hear more information, please speak to a 'Friend' (information can be found on their school noticeboard) or visit their Facebook page or alternatively email them on friendsofbvps@gmail.com.

 FoBVPS Committee Minutes 2021-22

AGM Minutes 11.11.21

Minutes from meeting 16th September 2021

FoBVPS Committee Minutes 2019-20

Minutes from  meeting 20th November 2019

FoBVPS Committee Minutes 2018-19

Letter from the Friends

FoBVPS Committee Minutes 2017-18

AGM 22.3.18

Fundraising Newsletter