Year 4
Life in Year 4
Welcome to Year 4! The year ahead offers children the opportunity to build on previous learning and deepen their understanding through workshops, trips and hands on learning experiences. Your child will be supported in their transition into Year 4 in order for them to become more independent in their organisation and learning. Children continue to develop their Forest School skills, spend a term enjoying violin lessons and get to experience their first school residential to Hindleap Warren.
Parent communication
Parents are welcome to talk to class teachers before and after school or to arrange a meeting. Children’s learning is shared through the Parent evenings, the Seesaw App, newsletters and Find Out Friday’s which the first Friday of every month.
Home learning
Children will be given pre-learning information and a topic overview which will provide ideas for work to be carried out at home. This work is then celebrated in class.
Useful Websites Information on supporting your child at home