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Bolnore Village Primary School

Year 6

Year 6 Leavers Photos

Life in Year 6

Welcome to Year 6! This is an exciting year for our pupils as they are now the role models of the school. In their final year, children will focus on becoming more independent in their learning and taking a greater responsibility for the organisation of their belongings and time. Children work in three groups and move from classroom to classroom for different lessons, so they are more prepared for Secondary school. In the year ahead, children will embed their knowledge and skills learnt across the whole of KS2, so that they are fully prepared for the SATs in May. Through trips and workshops including a 2 night stay residential in the Autumn term, children have the opportunity to work on improving key personal skills to help with the transition to Secondary School. Children continue to develop their Forest School skills.

Transition from KS2 to Secondary School KS3

Children will have the opportunity to visit Secondary schools during the Autumn term and once places have been confirmed, they can meet with children and teachers from their selected school to gather further important information.

Parent and Carer Communication

Parents are welcome to talk to class teachers before and after school, or a meeting can be arranged through the school office. Children’s learning is shared through the Parent evenings, the Seesaw App, newsletters and Find Out Fridays, which is the first Friday of every month.

Home Learning

 Children will be given pre-learning information and a topic overview which will provide ideas for work to be carried out at home. This work is then celebrated in class. Year 6 will be set homework every week across different subject areas and given a CPG book specific to that subject for them to fill in.

Useful Websites     Information on supporting your child at home